Tractor Supply’s “Passionate” Response

July 6, 2024
Black lesbian farmer
“Tractor Supply Said What Again?”

June 29, 2024

To: Tractor Supply Customer Solutions

Subject: Please un-enroll me from Neighbor’s Club.

Due to Tractor Supply’s decision to cave in to bigotry and end all DEI programs — and to specifically target LGBTQ+ people — my household has ended all business with the company.

I have already unsubscribed from all emails. Now I wish to un-enroll from the Tractor Supply Neighbor’s Club.

For the record, my wife and I have patronized Tractor Supply exclusively for a regular supply of pet food and bedding. Including the purchase of a Retriever kennel ($550), we have spent nearly $2,000 at Tractor Supply in the first half of 2024 alone.

Did it ever occur to the C Suite that “Life out here” includes LGBTQ+ citizens — like me?

Rhetorical question.

Thank you in advance for un-enrolling me from Neighbor’s Club.

Disappointed beyond words,

Former Tractor Supply customer


July 5, 2024

From: Tractor Supply Customer Solutions

Hi J–,

Thank you for contacting the Tractor Supply Customer Solutions Team.

We’re sorry to hear you no longer wish to be a member of our Neighbor’s Club and have un-enrolled you from the program. This means you will no longer receive any Neighbor’s Club promotional emails or rewards. These changes can take time to update in our system, so you may still receive one or two more promotional emails from us before they stop completely.

If you have any trouble with your un-enrollment, or if you have any other questions about Neighbor’s Club, please don’t hesitate to reply to this email at any time. Be sure to reference number –, and any team member will be able to assist.

We are passionate about serving our customers and appreciate the opportunity to be here for you.

Thank you so much for choosing Tractor Supply Company,


The TSC Customer Solutions Team
5401 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
877-718-6750 |
Hours of Operation: Mon-Sat 7am-9pm CST and Sun 8am-7pm CST


  • That canned response is better than the big nothing I got when I unsubscribed from their emails and left the Neighbor’s Club. Apparently they’re too busy kissing bigot backside to care about us.

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